Friday, September 30, 2016

Oh Happy Apples!

Hi All,

We have had a busy, busy week!  Please check out the newsletter and spelling links on the left.  Conference slips with dates and times went home with your child today!  Please make sure that you complete and return as soon as possible.  Thanks in advance :-)

On Your Mark Photos!!

 Johnny Appleseed, Apples, and Applesauce!


Happy Fall!  I hope everyone has a great weekend!

Mrs. Jones

Friday, September 16, 2016

Happy Dot Day, Constitution Day, and Timelines. . .


I hope everyone had a great fall week and kept busy, because we certainly did!  We celebrated Dot Day, Constitution Day, worked on Showing instead of Telling in writing,  learned so many new strategies in math, and even had some emergency homework for our individual timelines!

Writing  - Showing instead of Telling

Famous Individuals Timeline

Enjoy your weekend!

Mrs. Jones